
#2 - Introduction

I find it rather amusing that my body needs to fall ill for my mind to finally liberate these words of introduction for this microscopic slice of the internet. I have been putting off this moment for a long time since I never knew what to write, but I also had nothing to show of my own creative work, which is what the norm seems to be with the miniature modelling/art blogs that I have seen. Funnily enough, I have nothing of my own work to show to whoever turns up on this page to read these words, but that's not stopping me from getting this long-neglected project off the ground.

So, dear reader, welcome to the Peculiar Quest.

For as long as I can remember, I have been incapable of concentrating my thoughts and energy on any single project for any longer than a few days (occasionally weeks). After having started something, my mind quickly started to wander and then focused on something very different, distracting me from whatever project I was working on at the time. This has become a source of growing irritation for me and I am (quite desperately) trying to find a solution to this to either prolong my attention span so that I can actually go further than an embryonic stage with my projects or to simply banish the butterfly aspect of my mind to the darkest corners of my cranium. This blog will hopefully be a way to crystallise this effort into something entirely visual and open to all, as opposed to keeping the effort inside of my head, hidden behind layers of skin, bone and grey/white cells.

 Despite the fact that some readers may already know me to a greater or lesser extent, I shall still introduce myself in a brief manner. This will allow anyone to have a glimpse of what to expect on this page. So, here it goes:

My name is Luke and I am an eighteen year old student currently residing in Switzerland (Central Europe). In the current state of affairs, I am in my last year of high school/college/lycée/gymnase and am aiming to obtain the Swiss equivalent to A-levels/IB/baccalauréat after having failed to do so at the beginning of the summer. My current main interests are visual arts (more specifically drawing and photography, along with a smattering of painting and sculpture), technology (mainly small-scale computer programming, but also generally soaking up information about how tech-y things work and marvelling at the technological innovations that are being revealed to us every day), sports (mainly walking, swimming and cycling, but I am a sucker for anything that will make me spend energy and sweat while enjoying myself), music (I listen to a lot of music of many different genres and consider music as being very special, at least for myself) and nature (I am a person who thoroughly enjoys observing nature in all its states and being in contact with the elements). My current future goals are quite diverse, but those that are of paritcular relevance to this blog are successfully organising a miniature modelling project that I will fully complete in a set time and improving my nascent drawing skills. You may read about other projects/concerns that I may have over time, but these will be few and far between unless they become something that I wish to share with any readers.

So, to hastily conclude my growing wall o' text, I shall use this page to showcase my work in whatever stage it is in, to motivate myself to finish projects off before starting newer ones, to receive constructive criticism from potential readers and to interact with those people and, lastly, to have an outlet through which I can express things that I have on my mind in a coherent and readable way (this allows me to anyalse what is happening and to restructure my thoughts, making it easier for me to then deal with the situation).

Anyway, if you have made it so far, let me thank you for your perseverance and I hope that you shall continue reading whatever else will be posted on this page. In the meantime, feel free to express your thoughts concerning what I have written and I hope that you will enjoy the music!

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